Access Keys:

St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn


May 2023 July 2023
Friday, 2nd June 2023
P2 Trip to W5
Wednesday, 7th June 2023
Key Stage One Sports Day
Friday, 9th June 2023
Foundation Stage Sports Day
Tuesday, 13th June 2023
P7 Tayto Park Trip
Thursday, 15th June 2023
Key Stage Two Sports Day
Friday, 16th June 2023
PTA Quiz Racquets Club (8pm)
Tuesday, 20th June 2023
PTA AGM (7pm (Venue to be confirmed))
Wednesday, 21st June 2023
New P1 Induction Visit
P6 Titanic Trip
P5 Colin Glen
Friday, 30th June 2023
School closes at 12pm for Summer Holidays


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