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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn



100 Years at St. Joseph’s Primary School Lisburn

St. Joseph’s Primary School in Lisburn became a centurion school, in 2003 when we celebrated 100 years of delivering quality education in the Lisburn area.

The school formally known as ‘The Convent’ was built in 1902 and the then bishop of Down and Connor diocese, Dr. Patrick Dorrian invited the Sacred Heart of Mary sisters from Beziers in France to establish a convent as early as 1870. They promptly answered their calling and occupied a three storey house which they adapted for use as a convent in 1871 part of which was converted to a classroom, the humble beginnings of our present school.

It was in 1902 that a grant aided school was built to accommodate 224 girls. This was replaced in the 1960’s with the present buildings and the school became co-educational in 1965.

The Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary delivered quality education over the next 98 years with a lay principal taking on the role in 2002. Names like Sr. Pierre, Sr. Anchillia , Sr. Marie and Sr. Denise will no doubt conjure up memories along with many others who worked within the walls of St. Joseph’s.

Principal at the time, Mrs Maria Gough, and her enthusiastic staff celebrated this memorable occasion with a number of events including a very successful dinner dance in the Europa Hotel Belfast.

Children from P6 Miss Hanna's class celebrate Founders Day of the Sacred Heart of Mary Sisters on 24th February 2012. Pictured with the children is our School Chaplain and Sacred Heart of Mary Sister, Sister Mary Dunne.


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