
At St Joseph’s Primary School, we take our responsibility for the pastoral care, welfare, and safety of the children in our care very seriously. We are committed to providing a caring, supportive, and safe environment where each child is valued for their unique talents and abilities, allowing all our young people to learn and develop to their full potential.
The purpose of our Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures is to protect our pupils by ensuring that everyone who works in our school—teachers, non-teaching staff, and volunteers—has clear guidance on the actions required when abuse or neglect of a child is suspected.
The overriding concern of all caring adults must be the care, welfare, and safety of the child. The welfare of each child is of paramount importance. Our Safeguarding Poster is displayed in all classrooms, around the school building, and in our weekly Friday Note.
Throughout the academic year, we hold assemblies focused on keeping children safe. Children also have opportunities to participate in workshops and lessons about staying safe both in person and online.
Additionally, we conduct regular fire drills to ensure that everyone in the school can evacuate safely in the event of a fire.
Safeguarding Team
The Safeguarding Team in St Joseph's Primary School are appointed to support children and families.
Designated Teacher: Mrs Ciara McManus
Deputy Designated Teacher: Miss Cristiona McGuinness
Deputy Designated Teacher: Mrs Nuala O'Hare
Designated Safeguarding Governor: Dr Mary Ellen Lynn
Care and Respect Coordinator: Mrs Sinead Crilly