Cool Kids Information
Cool Kids After Schools provides an after school service for parents of children attending St. Joseph’s Primary School.
In offering this service we aim to assist parents who are in, or wish to enter employment, education or training. Our aim is to provide informal and structured / free play activities for children in P1 – P3 and to ensure that they are well cared for. The clubs operating area, which is contained within the grounds of St Joseph’s Primary School is defined as safe, secure and is fully supervised by staff.
Cool Kids After School’s club will meet approved standards as outlined by the Children (NI) Order 1995.
The centre’s programme of activities will be child centred and child led; they will vary from day to day taking into account the child’s own preference. A quiet area will also be available for children.
Homework Club
Homework Club runs daily, Monday to Friday from 3pm to 4.30pm and on all school days of the year to support pupils as they complete their homework. Pupils in P4 and P5 work together while P6 and P7 pupils work together.
The main aim of the club is to raise standards in Numeracy and Literacy, through supporting pupils to a greater understanding of skills learned during class.
Children should bring a snack to have before they begin their homework.