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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Primary 2

Welcome to Primary Two.
Our teachers are Mrs Crilly and Miss McAnerney

Literacy: We love reading in Primary Two – listening to our teachers read, reading with our P6 buddies and reading with our friends! Some of our favourite books are Jack and the Beanstalk, The Jolly Postman, Whatever Next and Aliens love Underpants! We practice using sound knowledge to attempt tricky words, reading with expression and talking about characters and story plots. We spend lots of time developing our writing skills! Tol help practice handwriting, we use sand and paint to form lower- and upper-case letters during play activities. We are learning to use a capital letter and a full stop when writing a sentence. We play lots of games to help with learning sounds, letter recognition and key words.

Numeracy: We love to participate in mental math activities every day and enjoy counting forwards and backwards using counting songs, a counting stick and a number line. We learn number stories (addition bonds) up to 15 and use counters to help when adding and subtracting. We learn the names of 3D shapes and use construction blocks to create models using cubes, cuboids, spheres and pyramids. We start to solve problems using money and we work together to find the value of coins. We learn about time and we love to play ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’

ICT: We love to play Numeracy Games on the Creative Board. We visit the ICT suite to practice using the mouse and typing using the keyboard. BeeBots help us to learn about coding. We are really enjoying using our iPads to create our own animations and simple stories!

The World Around Us: We are budding scientists in Primary Two. We carry out lots of investigations, recording results and ensuring a fair test. We design and build models from junk materials. We learn all about the world through our topics – Healthy, Happy Me, People Who Help Us, Fairy Tales, Outer Space, Animals in the Wild and The Seaside.

The Arts: We sing songs, dance and play lots of noisy percussion instruments. We are amazing singers and love to do a fairy tale play. We dress up in costumes and become different characters in the role play area. We are able to showcase our skills in our Christmas performance, each year. We use lots of different materials to explore and create pieces of art and learn about many artists!

P.E: We have fun participating in gymnastics, dance, athletics and games throughout the year. We develop our teamwork skills through games. We enjoy practicing for sports day – taking part is so much fun!

Religion: We follow the Grow in Love Programme. We enjoy learning about faith through songs, drama and stories. We talk about being a member of a community and showing kindness to others.



Class Assembly


Our Topics In Primary Two


We love to learn about lots of interesting topics in Primary Two.

Our topics are:

  • Healthy, Happy Me

  • People Who Help Us

  • Fairy Tales

  • The Solar System

  • Animals in the Wild

  • At the Seaside

Local Study: Castle Gardens


P2 Curriculum Meeting Information

P2 Handwriting Policy


Primary 2 In Action


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