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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Primary 5

Welcome to Primary 5! Our teachers are Mrs Hanna and Ms. Mooney

We are very busy in Primary 5 and have lots of fun!

Literacy – We enjoy reading a range of novels in P5 which include The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, Kensuke's Kingdom and two of Roald Dahl's greatest stories Fantastic Mr. Fox and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We read a range of other novels in our reading groups including many more by Roald Dahl. We read aloud to the class and teachers also read to us each day, we especially love listening to books by David Walliams - they are hilarious!

Numeracy - This year we are working hard using the times tables and number bonds we know to solve more challenging word problems. We also learn lots more about 2D and 3D shapes, including naming their properties. We explore perimeter and area and we love learning about measures as this always involves lots of practical learning with scales, trundle wheels, metre sticks. In P5 we also start to learn about fractions, we use pizzas to explore halves and quarters and, of course, we get to eat the pizza after the lesson – fractions aren’t that bad after all!

Science - We learn all about our body and discover amazing things about animals. We enjoy visiting the Castle Gardens to learn more about birds and trees. We also learn about recycling and how to reduce our environmental footprint and reuse materials. We even design our own experiments and love building models that move using K’nex and scrap materials. Each term we take part in a technology challenge day – we enjoy working in teams and using the glue guns and saws.

History – We explore what life like for Ancient Egyptians living on the banks of the River Nile in the shadow of the mesmerizing pyramids. We create books filled with information and learn to research topics, select information and compare the past and present. At the end of the topic we use our creative skills to showcase our learning in our special projects.

Art – We study the work of many artists, such as Romero Britto and Sonia Delauney. We then create our own masterpieces in a similar style. In our Animal topic, we look at camouflage and different animals to develop our ability to sketch and observe tiny details. We use many different mediums including clay, watercolour paints, oil pastels, chalk, charcoal and even scrap materials.

Music - We compose our own Sound Stories like 'Mowgli in the Jungle', Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the Gruffalo. We learn how to play the recorder and read music notes on a scale. We especially enjoy learning and performing the songs for our P5 Nativity Play performance.

Religion - We follow the Grow in Love programme in P5 and spend time learning more about the Nativity in order to help us with our Christmas Nativity Performance. We enjoy writing our own prayers and using this during our Religion lessons. Learning about Jesus' message of love and how we can show this love, kindness and forgiveness to others in our lives is a key element of the Grow in Love programme.  

P.E. - Football, games, swimming, badminton, athletics, dance and much, much more. We love exercising to keep our bodies fit and healthy!



Our Topics in Primary Five


We love to learn about lots of different topics in Primary Five.

Our topics are:

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

  • My Amazing Human Body

  • Ancient Egyptians

  • Animals

P5 Curriculum Meeting Information

Primary 5 In Action


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