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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Latest News - Primary 4

2015/2016 School Year

9th Feb 2016
St Joseph's celebrated Internet Safety Day on Tuesday 9th February. The theme this...
9th Feb 2016
As part of their current topic on celebrations, Primary 4 have been learning about...
5th Feb 2016
Our Primary 4 children had great fun recently when they made shadow puppet theatres!...
21st Jan 2016
P4 Miss Clarke's class are having great fun taking part in the Roots of Empathy programme...
15th Jan 2016
P4 had great fun in the Linen Museum on Friday 15th January when they made lots...
15th Dec 2015
P4 were very lucky recently when they got to visit Santa in the Linen Museum. Santa...
20th Nov 2015
Our Primary 4 children went to the Island Arts Centre each Wednesday for 3 weeks...
16th Nov 2015
As part of their topic 'This is Where I live', Primary 4 visited the Linen Museum...
22nd Oct 2015
We had great fun in Joseph's recently when we held our annual Halloween Fun Day....
8th Oct 2015
As part of their topic, 'This is Me', Primary 4 were asked to design and make a Memory...