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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Big Pedal

27th Apr 2016

The children, staff and parents from St Joseph's are having a "wheel" of a time as they take part in the BIG PEDAL challenge. Over the past week there has been a huge increase in the number of active journeys to school.  Pictured is the Acting Principal, Gavin Gallagher and PE Coordinator Suzanne Gartland who met up with the children and some active parents at Wallace park as they cycled/scooted to school.  

During the first week of the BIG PEDAL which has been a huge success, our friend Pamela from SUSTRANS came in to deliver workshops to both  the P5 classes.  Mrs Gartland's class all learned how to spot and repair a puncture and are now all experts. Miss Mc Anerneys class learned about the effect of carbon dioxide on our environment and how small changes such as actively travelling to school, can help reduce our own carbon footprint. For more information on our progress during BIG PEDAL, visit the BIG PEDAL 2016 website, login: PASSWORD: active