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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Catholic Schools Week 2016

4th Feb 2016

We celebrated Catholic Schools Week in St Joseph's during the week of 1st - 5th February. The theme of Catholic Schools Week this year was: Catholic Schools: Challenged to Proclaim God's Mercy.

We began our celebrations with a beautiful Mass in school led by Fr Brian and our Primary 6 children. We also remembered our much loved Classroom Assistant, Mrs McGrath at this Mass.

For St Brigid's Day on Monday 1st February our Primary 5 children made St Brigid's Crosses out of rushes. Have a look at our photos below!

Each class took part in a variety of activities throughout the week. We finished the week with lovely Assemblies led by Mrs Gould's P2 class and Miss McAnerney's P5 class. You can watch a video of Mrs Gould's class assembly below!