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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Charlie's Christmas Craft Fair Fundraiser

17th Nov 2019

We are so proud of all our pupils who managed a stall at Charlie's Christmas Craft Fair Fundraiser on Saturday in St Patrick's Parish Centre, Lisburn. The Charlie for Life Stall raised an amazing £472 and The Charlie's Angel Stall raised a fantastic £440 - we certainly do have some wonderful entrepreneurs in St Joseph's! Overall a phenomenal amount of over £20,000 was raised for the Children's Cancer Charity. Well done to Cliodhna, Fintan, Nancy and all the Craig and Eastwood family who organised the wonderful event in liaison with the staff and volunteers at St Patrick's Parish Centre. Thank you too to all our parents, children, staff and wider school and parish community who supported the event and helped to make it such a success in honour of Charlie - your support is greatly appreciated.