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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Christmas Bazaar 2016

9th Dec 2016

What a brilliant night we had on Wednesday 7th December at our PTA Christmas Bazaar. We are now well and truly in the Christmas Spirit!

Thank you to all the PTA for their great organisation and to all our parents who donated items for hampers and prizes.

Thank you also to all the local businesses who donated prizes for the Big Wheel and other stalls:

Peter Corry and The Music Box, The Belfast Giants, Dunmurry Dental Practice, McColgans Foodhall Strabane (thanks to the Wilkinson family), Drumbo Park, Funtastic Carryduff, Jumping Jacks, St Patrick's Parish Cenre, La Maison Beauty, Magee Fitness, Leisureplex, McCalls, Kelly's Rollerskating, JLo Tutoring, Rose and Poetry, Hibernia Landscapes, McVites (thanks to the Maloret family).