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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Downloading Microsoft Office for free using C2k login details

14th Dec 2022

With the possibility of Santa bringing new laptops or devices for Christmas this year, we thought it would be useful to remind parents that Microsoft Office (Word, Powerpoint etc) can be downloaded for free on up to 5 devices using your child's C2k login details. 

From the computer you wish to download Microsoft Office on, log in to My School ( and click the Office 365 icon. At the top right of the Office 365 homescreen, click the Install Office icon. Then click 'Run' to start the installation process. 

Remember that when prompted to activate the software, enter your child's username in the format: (e.g.

If you are not sure of your child's C2k login details, please ask your child's teacher on Seesaw. 

Step by step instructions with screen shots can be found in the document below.