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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Holy Week and Easter Resources

6th Apr 2020

This week is Holy Week. Although we can not be together as a school community to celebrate this very important week, we would encourage families to talk to their children about the significance of each day from Palm Sunday right through to Easter Sunday. There are some documents, website links and videos below that will help the children to understand more about the Holy Week story and the Stations of the Cross. Why not create a prayer space at home this week, or make an Easter Garden inside or outside like we usually see in most Churches over the Easter season. On Good Friday when we are invited to walk with Jesus on his journey to the Cross on Calvary, why not make your own cross at home, from whatever materials you can find and place it on your front door. Have a look at some of the other resources and ideas below.


Holy Week links to useful websites, resources and videos

Some lovely activities and resources for Holy Week
Some lovely activities to help you celebrate Holy Week at home with your family