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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Join our PTA at the Lisburn Fun Run!

26th May 2017

Our PTA are entering a team in the Lisburn Fun Run this year on 21st June. It will be a great event for our school community with Brian Magee providing a warm up for everyone from 6.50pm. Come along and join the fun!

Information, application forms and a sponsorship sheet have been sent home with each child. If you are interested in taking part in this great event please return an application form and entry fee (£7.50 per person) for each family member taking part by as soon as possible. Remember that all children must be accompanied by an adult. All application forms and money should be put in an envelope marked for the attention of the PTA and given to the office.

Fun Run t-shirts and registration numbers will be available for collection at our Fun Day on 10th June for all participants who have returned their application form!

A Just Giving page for fundraising has also been set up. Please share it with your family and friends! 

Don't forget you can like our PTA page on Facebook

Sponsorship Sheet
26th May 2017
Fun Run Information Sheet
26th May 2017