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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

'Maths Eyes' Competition

19th Oct 2021

This week we are celebrating Maths Week Ireland in St Joseph's. Throughout the week we are running a competition where children have to use their 'Maths Eyes' at home.

To enter the competition, simply ask mum or dad to take a photo or video of you doing some fun, practical maths activities at home.

You could also use your 'Maths Eyes' to find maths in the environment around you. Take a photo of what you find and create a word problem based on the photo!

Send your photo or video to your teacher on Seesaw by Friday 22nd October.

There will be a prize for the best entry in each class so get your thinking cap on! Have fun and be as creative as you like - good luck!!

Download the document below to help you get started or visit these websites for some inspiration!