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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Mr McMahon's Friday message made the news!

11th Jan 2021

Mr McMahon sent a lovely video message to all the boys and girls on Friday. He told them to have a lovely weekend and enjoy a hot chocolate with marshmallows or a lovely walk after all their hard work during the week! He also told mums and dads that they deserved a lovely treat too!

The video was posted on our school twitter page and got lots of likes, retweets and comments. Mr McMahon even made the news when Belfast Live wrote an article about his message to the children.

Mr McMahon plans to leave a little message for all the boys and girls each Friday. Keep an eye out on our twitter page to see what his next message will say!

Have a look at the article and video on Belfast Live by clicking on the link below.  

Mr McMahon's article in Belfast Live