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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

NSPCC Assembly

28th Jan 2016

To correspond with our Care and Respect Week, Alison from the NSPCC/Childline visited our school on the 27th and 28th January to talk to every child in P1-P7 about the work of these charities. The children met the NSPCC mascot ‘Buddy’, who is shaped like a speech mark. Buddy told everyone to speak out and stay safe; this reminded us of our school saying - ‘Tell, Tell, Tell!’

Alison also spoke about the different forms of abuse from cyber bullying to neglect, the worries children may have and the trusted adults they can talk to. In our school the teacher in charge of Safeguarding is Mrs Connolly and Mrs O’Hare is the deputy teacher in charge.

The children also learned more about Childline – this helpline is free to call, available each day of the year and no prob-lem is too big or too small. We learned a helpful hand action to remember the Childline number - 08001111.