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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

P4 First Holy Communion

6th May 2024

Congratulations to our Primary Four children who made their First Holy Communion recently in St. Patrick’s Church. The children were a credit to their families and our school. They sang beautifully and showed great reverence and respect throughout the Mass.
Thank you to all of the P4 team for preparing the children so well and for all the musicians and singers who made the service a special celebration.
Thank you also to Fr. Dermot for a beautiful service and to everyone who helped prepare the Church, especially Irene from ‘Sentimental Petals by Irene’ who donated the flowers for the altar and Bobby who is always on hand to prepare for Mass.
Thank you also to our PTA, parent volunteers, school staff and Dee from the Parish Centre who provided the lovely refreshments after Mass.