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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

P7 Leavers’ Assembly 2022

24th Jun 2022

It was an emotional day in St. Joseph’s on Friday when we said goodbye to our Primary 7 children. The children took part in a lovely assembly where they shared their memories of their brilliant 7 years in St. Joseph’s. They were then presented with awards for their special achievements. The morning finished off with some great entertainment from our P7’s and a delicious lunch in the canteen for the children and their parents.

Thank you to the P7 teachers and classroom assistants for organising a great morning and to Louisa and the girls in the canteen for a lovely lunch. Thanks also to our wonderful PTA who provided our P7 children with autograph books which they filled with lovely messages and memories from staff and their friends.

Congratulations and good luck to the class of 2022 - you are all superstars!