Sister Roz visits St Joseph's
We had a lovely celebration of our school heritage on Friday when Sister Roz Blanchett, General Superior of the Religious Sacred Heart of Mary order, visited St Joseph's. Sister Roz was accompanied by Sister Mary Heyser and our former principal Sister Kathleen (Sister Denise).
The children made lovely little St Francis bookmarks which they presented to all the adults in the audience during the Assembly.
Sister Roz is from New York and Sister Mary is from Los Angeles but they both live in Rome.
The Sacred Heart of Mary Sisters from Beziers in France were asked to establish a convent by Dr. Patrick Dorian, Bishop of Down and Connor in 1870. They answered their calling and occupied a 3 storey house in Lisburn which they adapted for use as a Convent in 1871. Part of this Convent was converted to a classroom, the humble beginnings of our present school.
It was in 1902 that a grant aided school was built to accommodate 224 girls. This was replaced in the 1960’s with the present buildings and the school became co-educational in 1965.
The Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary delivered quality education over the next 98 years. Names like Sr. Pierre, Sr. Anchillia , Sr. Marie and Sr. Denise will no doubt conjure up memories along with many others who worked within the walls of St. Joseph’s.
Have a look at some of the photos and videos from Sister Roz's visit below.