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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Tommy (P2) raises money for Trocaire

26th Feb 2021

We are so proud of our P2 pupil Tommy. During dinner one night he told his mum that he wanted to ‘walk, run and cycle’ 26 miles to raise money for Trocaire. What a brilliant idea Tommy, and so caring! Tommy is certainly living out our school motto, ‘We care so we share!’

Tommy also helped to launch Trocaire’s Lenten campaign last week which we were so pleased to see! 

After only one week, Tommy has already raised over £1,700 which is absolutely amazing! 

You can make a donation to help Tommy with his fundraising by visiting his Just Giving page (click on the link below).

Have a look at some of the news articles that Tommy featured in by clicking on the links below!