Well Being Week 2017
What a brilliant week we had for our inaugural Well Being Week! It was simply ‘jam-packed’ with wellbeing activities for the whole of school community.
Yoga for P2 and P3:
Our P2 and P3 pupils really loved their taster yoga sessions on Monday with Geraldine. Some of the pupils commented:
‘I could go to sleep right now’and ‘I was really relaxed’as they left the hall. They enjoyed it so much that we are investigating 6 weekly sessions for them in the weeks ahead. We’ll keep you posted on that!
Mindfulness for P4 –P6:
P4 –P6 pupils were treated to some mindfulness taster sessions on Wednesday and again we had the same positive reactions:
"I liked it as it was calming and soothing and it was also very DIFFERENT"
"I felt my worries go away"
"It was really nice. Thank you!"
Teachers were able to participate in a taster session at lunchtime too.
For parents we had a Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke Association health talk on afternoon followed by BP checks and there were lots of positive comments about that too.
On Wednesday evening we had a ‘Mindfulness for Parents’ from Vivienne Bannon. Parents were treated to some mindfulness themselves and then were given tips on how to do mindfulness with their children. Here’s what they thought…..
"This was fantastic to really help parents remember to take time and be more aware. Great tips to try at home and simple techniques we can all do! Really enjoyed it!"
"Super night! Not always easy to take the time out to attend evening events…but this one was definitely worth it! Thanks."
"Lovely session, thoroughly enjoyed it, left feeling very relaxed. Will definitely implement at home!"
Thank you so much to all the parents who came out on Wednesday to the meeting. We are so glad you all found it worthwhile.
Have a look at some of the photos that were sent to us of activities at home during Well Being Week!