World Book Day Celebrations 2017
Let’s get reading! World Book Day 2017
We are excited to celebrate World Book Day’s 20th Anniversary (Thursday 2nd March) with pupils from all year groups taking part in a number of activities throughout the week.
Extreme Reading
Last year’s popular Extreme Reading Competition has returned! To take part, pupils from P3-P7 simply take a photograph that showcases them engaging in ‘extreme reading’ ( in an unusual place/funny or interesting pose etc.) They then upload this to the ‘World Book Day 2017’ Fronter room for all to see (using their school login – more information on how to do this will follow on Monday 27.) A winner will be chosen from each year group with prizes to be presented at an upcoming assembly. Pupils from P1 and P2 can either print their own photograph and bring this into school or email their entries to where Miss McAnerney will then upload the entries to Fronter. The closing date for photographs to be uploaded is Friday 10th March. Good luck, everyone!
‘Oodles of Doodles’
All pupils will be designing their own National Book Token as part of a nationwide competition. The designs should reflect some of their favourite books, characters and their own imaginative ideas. All completed entries will then be sent to panel of judges where a winner in each age category will be chosen. First Prize includes £200 of book tokens for the winning design so get drawing, everyone! (This will begin in school on Monday 27th; some entries may be completed at home but must be returned to the class teacher to be signed by Friday 10th March). Make sure to take a look at for inspiration from some well-known illustrators!
£1 Book Tokens
Each pupil will receive their own token on Monday (Valid until 26th March) that can be redeemed in exchange for off regular price books or as payment for one of the specially released £1 books! There are some fantastic new titles this year, sure to suit all interests, from authors such as David Walliams, Julia Donaldson, David Almond and Enid Blyton. Enjoy!
‘Waterstones’ Visit
Mr Reid’s class will be visiting Waterstones book shop in Lisburn on Thursday morning to listen to stories, discover newly released books and talk about their favourite authors. They will also be able to use this time to redeem their £1 token if they wish.
Bringing our favourite books to life!
We are excited to incorporate our class Ipads into this year’s celebrations with some classes using Puppet Pals, Book Creator and ‘Green screen’ to act out scenes from their favourite stories, present character profiles and even create their own books. Keep an eye on the website where some of the finished pieces will be uploaded.
And lots more!