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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Parish Mass for Catholic Schools Week

25th Jan 2023

Our P6 and P7 pupils and representatives from the other schools in our parish gathered together this morning in St. Patrick’s Church to celebrate Mass for Catholic Schools Week. Some children from St. Joseph’s, St Aloysius PS and St. Patrick’s Academy led us in the Readings and Prayers of the Faithful and children from Holy Trinity Nursery presented the gifts at the Offertory Procession. Beautiful music and singing from the children really added to the special occasion. Thank you to Fr. Dermot and Fr. Eamon for celebrating the Mass and to all of the children, teachers and staff for their participation. The children were all excellent ambassadors for each of their schools. It truly was a lovely parish celebration and a great way to recognise the wonderful work that takes place in all of our schools.