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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn


2021/2022 School Year

7th Jan 2022
Please click on the link below to read our Friday Note for 7th January: Friday...
5th Jan 2022
Please click on the link below to download our Dinner Menu for January - June 2022
17th Dec 2021
Please click on the link below to read our Friday Note for 17th December: Friday...
17th Dec 2021
The staff and children of St Joseph’s Primary School would like to wish all...
16th Dec 2021
The draw took place for our PTA Christmas Ballot on Wednesday afternoon. Mr McMahon...
12th Dec 2021
Please click on the link below to read our Friday Note for 10th December: Friday...
10th Dec 2021
Congratulations to Sienna Curran who performed in the BBC Studios on Tuesday in...
3rd Dec 2021
Please click on the link below to read our Friday Note for 3rd December: Friday...
26th Nov 2021
Please click on the link below to read our Friday Note for 26th November. Friday...
23rd Nov 2021
Tickets for the PTA Grand Christmas Draw were sent home with each child today....