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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn


2020/2021 School Year

26th Feb 2021
Our performer of the week this week is Jessica (P7). Jessica is another very talented...
26th Feb 2021
This Thursday, 4th March, is World Book Day! The theme this year is, ‘Share...
26th Feb 2021
We are so proud of our P2 pupil Tommy. During dinner one night he told his mum that...
12th Feb 2021
Click on the link below to view this week's Friday Note on Sway Friday Note...
12th Feb 2021
Our performer of the week this week is Zack (P7). Listen to him playing the drums...
11th Feb 2021
We celebrated Safer Internet Day in school on Tuesday. The children took part in...
5th Feb 2021
Click on the link to view our Friday Note for this week! Friday Note 5th February...
5th Feb 2021
Our performer of the week this week is Gabe (P7). In the video below, Gabe is performing...
4th Feb 2021
Please click on the link to read our new look Friday Note for this week.  ...
29th Jan 2021
Our Performer of the week this week is Emma (P7). Emma is a very talented flautist!...