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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn


2020/2021 School Year

16th Oct 2020
The School Nurse Service have arranged a timetable to administer the Flu Vaccination...
16th Oct 2020
The Lord Mayor's office are organising a Halloween Competition. All of the details...
10th Oct 2020
Congratulations to all the boys and girls from Ms. Kitt’s P5 class who made...
3rd Oct 2020
We had our first virtual awards assemblies this week! It was a first for all of...
3rd Oct 2020
Congratulations to all the boys and girls from Miss Smyth’s P5 class who made...
17th Sep 2020
Please download and read our Parent Teacher Communication Policy below.
11th Sep 2020
Next week will see the return of hot dinners and the use of the canteen. Dinners...
10th Sep 2020
The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Michael McBride, has written to parents and carers...
18th Aug 2020
Please read our school reopening guide for parents below. This has been completed...
13th Aug 2020
The Minister of Education, Peter Weir MLA, has written a letter to parents and carers...