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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn


2023/2024 School Year

14th Oct 2023
To raise money for school funds, we  have signed up for a fundraising website...

2022/2023 School Year

30th Jun 2023
We said goodbye to Mrs Connolly today. Mrs Connolly has worked in St. Joseph’s...
28th Jun 2023
It was an emotional day in St. Joseph’s on Monday when we said goodbye to...
27th Jun 2023
Miss Clarke’s P4 class had a brilliant time at Domino’s on Tuesday....
23rd Jun 2023
P4 celebrated the end of term on Friday with a fabulous school trip. After a lovely...
19th May 2023
Our P7 children performed their end of year show ‘The Lion King’ in...
16th May 2023
The PTA are running their annual Change for Change campaign again this year. It...
16th May 2023
Our Cool Kids Summer Scheme runs from 3rd July to 18th August this year.  ...
13th May 2023
Congratulations to all our award winners for April! Miss McGuinness presented the...
29th Apr 2023
Congratulations to our P4 children who made their First Holy Communion this morning...