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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn


2018/2019 School Year

7th May 2019
P3 had a great week with their friends from Harmony Hill last week as part of their...
3rd May 2019
Our Cool Kids Club will run throughout the Summer. Each day there will be a...
28th Apr 2019
Please read the attached document about school holidays for next year 2019-20.
8th Apr 2019
Please read the attached information to find out about After School Activities for...
29th Mar 2019
Congratulations to our Primary 3 children who made their First Confession recently...
25th Mar 2019
Following the meeting for parents of P6 children going into P7 in September 2019,...
21st Mar 2019
Congratulations to our Primary Seven children who were confirmed by Bishop Farquhar...
1st Mar 2019
Our Primary 5 children made the news today! P5 pupil Charlie has been connecting...
14th Feb 2019
Our Primary One children invited their parents and grandparents to school this afternoon...
5th Feb 2019
We celebrated Safer Internet Day today in St Joseph's. Each class took part in a...