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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn


2015/2016 School Year

1st Feb 2016
Primary 2 were learning all about St Brigid on Monday 1st February to celebrate...
29th Jan 2016
Congratulations to our school Handball team who won the Antrim Allianz Cumann na...
28th Jan 2016
Primary 6 took part in 3 Pottery Workshops recently in the Island Arts Centre, led...
28th Jan 2016
To correspond with our Care and Respect Week, Alison from the NSPCC/Childline visited...
28th Jan 2016
P7 have been learning all about the Victorians. As part of their technology curriculum...
25th Jan 2016
As part of our school Local Study Week, Primary 2 went to visit Castle Gardens....
22nd Jan 2016
As part of our local study week in St Joseph's, P6 visited the Linen Museum to learn...
21st Jan 2016
P3 had great fun recently when they went to the Linen Museum for their Technology...
21st Jan 2016
P4 Miss Clarke's class are having great fun taking part in the Roots of Empathy...
20th Jan 2016
We have had great fun in Primary 5 recently learning all about animals. We have...